Friday, 20 July 2012

Camideo - Video Search API - YouTube, Vimeo, MySpace, Dailymotion, MetaCafe and SoundCloud

We provide uniform JSON feed for online video and song search from

YouTube, Vimeo, MySpace, Dailymotion, MetaCafe and SoundCloud.

Here we are going to describe in details how to access and use this JSON feed.
To get started you might need to get a


. All you need a valid email address to generate the key. Please follow the link and enter you valid email address and clear the verification code to ensure human activity. We will generate the Camideo API Key and mail it to. If you have lost it, then you can use this link to regenerate it. We will send your lost API key.

API Call

Once you have the API Key, you can make a call to Camideo Video Search API like:<API KEY>

API Parameters

The above code sample shows the basic call you can make to our API. However, each search source has it's own specific search filters which you can use to drill down to a more specific search. For source specific search filter please have a look at the appropriate one:
Below we are describing the basic search filters that we have used in the above code sample.
key: This is the API key. You can generate the key using our key generation tool. You need to supply this key in each and every call.
q: This is the search words. It can be anything like "chocolate", or may be like "chocolate+rain", "chocolate rain", "chocolate%20rain". These are the words that our search engine will look for in the video title, description or in author name.
source: This is where you want to search. For example "source=youtube" will search in YouTube videos. Currently we are supporting the following search sources:
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • MySpace
  • Dailymotion
  • MetaCafe
  • SoundCloud
page: Number of page you are in. e.g. page=1 will give you the first set of results and page=2 will give you the next set and so on. This can be used for pagination in you result.
response: This defines the response format. Currently we support only JSON response. So the output string you will be getting is a JSON string. You can use any programming language to parse this JSON feed. We will provide a uniform JSON feed for all the sources. So you don't have to worry about different sources and a single parsing code can be used to parse them all. For more information you may take a look at following sample codes:

JSON Output

We will provide a JSON output for all your search queries. For example, if you make a call like :<API KEY>
You will get the output as follows:
											"videoId" : "45558546",
											"title" : "El Nakam!!",
											"link" : "",
											"description" : "my final project in shenkar school of arts.

animation & story: yonatan popper
original theme music: Assa Raviv & Itamar Fintzi

guided by Guy Harlap & Itamar Daube.

its a short animation trailer, for a movie that doesn't exists.
the animation is mostly classic: frame by frame animation

great thanks to: smadar & tal hunziker, max & eti popper, ido gildin, Idan Epshtien,
Elad Tayar, Daniel Goldfarb and nina limarev",
											"author" : "yonatan popper",												
											"author-link" : "",
											"duration" : "00:03:22",
											"embedCode" : "",
											"views" : "10895",
											"published" : "2012-07-11 02:22:08"
totalResults: Number of results returned by the search you have made. This can be used to paginate the results or to get an idea about result count. This is a indicative number.
itemsPerPage: Number of maximum items in this page. This may not equal to the number of actual results in that page. As you can see from the above example that even though itemsPerPage = 10, but we have received only one result.
startIndex: This is the start index of the first video in the result JSON. For page=1 it will always be 1. But for subsequent pages it will vary based on the itemsPerPage parameter. For example if itemsPerPage=10,then in 2nd page startIndex will be 11.
videos: Array containing the actual search results.
videoId: This is the Video ID specified by the respective source. This can be used to identify the video uniquely.
title: This is the Video Title specified by the respective source.
description: Video description as specified by the author in the original source. Formatted for JSON like new lines replaced by <br>, single-quote by &#39; etc.
author: This is the Video Autohor Display Name specified by the respective source.
author-link: Direct link to the author profile in the source.
duration: Video duration in HH:MM:SS format.
embedCode: Code for embedding this video as supported by the source. Please note that MySpace and MetaCafe does not support iFrame integration and hence for those two sources you might need to use object embedding options. For all other sources you can directly put this embedCode as iFrame src parameter. e.g.
				<iframe src=""  
					type="text/html" width="390" height="290" frameborder="0"></iframe>
				<embed flashVars="playerVars=autoPlay=no" 
				src="" width="390" height="290" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
duration: Video duration in HH:MM:SS format.
views: Number of view in it's original source.
published: Published date time in the original source.

Error Codes

We provide the following error codes for your reference:
				"description" : "Invalid key specified or key is missing."}}}

				"description" : "Invalid response type specified."}}}

				"description" : "Invalid source specified."}}}

				"description" : "Invalid search criteria specified."}}}

				"description" : "Sorry! Could not fetch results."}}}


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